while all my friends are busy shuttling between home, and the faraway land known as kent ridge, i'm here, plonking my fat ass in front of the computer/tv, watching random episodes of desperate housewives, or viewing some of my daily reads.
i'm super bored. shopping for winter clothes almost done.
- besides the fact that i'll have to recycle my clothes fortnightly
- and i'm left with my leather boots[which sg doesn't seem to have, or are sold at rip off prices].
- and i want a knitted scarf, the long long white kind. mom says she's going to knit one for me. but i believe i'd get to wear it probably like 2011? HAHA
- and i'd like a puma/addidas jacket. but unless $$ starts dropping from the sky, or unless good news flows in during the 1st week of august.
oh and i've yet to hit the electronic shop to get
so since everybody's busy with reading up on bidding for modules/matriculation, i decided to retrieve my "Welcome to the University of Sheffield: International" and "Registration: The Essential Guide" from under a stack of dusty books to flip through and read up.
i've read up about the students union brochure, apparently the uni has 2BARS &3NIGHT CLUBS, with different themes of music running through the entire wk. i can't imagine having NIGHTCLUBS in a uni! ok so its better to be shocked now and get used to the "usual" nightlife there though i'm not a huge fan of such stuff.
ok besides the bars and nightclub, there's a CINEMA in the school, screening arthouse films, to latest block busters (???).
Intro Week doesn't sound that fun. mbbe i've nvr had good experiences during orientation camps, or i'm just plain antisocial [as always been said by my friends] =/
oh and there's the section about Shopping. haha there's this shopping mall in Meadowhall, which is supposedly one of the LARGEST SHOPPING MALLS IN EUROPE! [so hs, no worries abt it being boring. haha]
enough about fast facts of the unheard town, Sheffield, and the unheard of University of Sheffield.
time to jog off the Ya Kun and Choc Waffle i ate.

Sunday, July 29, 2007
it's been a while since i've felt so free on a sunday morning. it's usually waking up at 1030, showering and rushing out of the house. realising i haven't been spending time with my parents for quite a while, i decided to set my alarm clock and get up early. so here i am, just taking in the sunday morning eating my bfast at home, feeling relaxed. the sun is peeking behind the clouds, but my mom warned me its probably short lived. oh well..
so since friday night it's been having meals at the weirdest hour and eating and eating and eating. well anw it was nydc with the usuals and sid, benny and vera. Sat was like a mad day. woke up at 730 to go to tuition den thought till 130 to have the cheesy fondue thing for lunch. HAHA. den it was off to buy presents for the girls for their uni send off. we scored like "A" for being discrete -_- so anw simpsons movie! hahaha it was good and funny and we were laughing so hard at the fat jokes and the hair pulling one. haha overall it was a good movie =D den it was off to Raffles for dinner. we always seem to end up there. nothing much to talk about except the usual things that happened. we took mrt home! [like we haven't done that for at least 5months i daresay] but it reminded us of jc days where we'd head home at 11+ to take train home. and den again the reminscing of jc days started again. although uni's coming and i'm sure there will be many memorabe memories created there, i somehow am still apprehensive.
the things i blog about have become something so mundane, probably coz life has been good, with nothing to worry abt. ok so maybe not nothing to worry abt but the things to worry abt are different.
till next time.

Thursday, July 26, 2007
[disclaimer: this is a long entry of complaints]
oh well oh well. i haven't blogged for ages. so starting from Saturday when it was Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows day! haha reached home ready to start on
well anw sun came and go, mon was out shopping with hs of which i spent $100 in a day i feel so broke this month.
well anw tues i had a hell of a day =/ it was a day where i would gladly have liked some Felix Felicies. i woke up to realise i didn't charge my hp coz i forgot to plug it into the plug. and den i had to rush to the doctor to draw 2 vials of blood for my health report which i received on Mon and they expect it to reach them by Mon. it was a mad rush. packed everything and ready to hit the gym after doc's but i forgot to bring my towels and had to go home to get them. and den it was a mad rush to the gym where i missed BOTH my busses. was already late and rushing to get there and the man who didn't understand what WRONG NUMBER is kept calling me, 5 times in a row though i told him 3times it was wrong no, hung up on him once and i picked up and said "WAT!" and he just hung up. was so pissed i switched off my phone which had low battery already. well that wasn't the end of it, i reached gym and this person in front of me was taking forever to buy the entrance receipt, when this chinese lady approached me to ask me abt gym membership etc. she did not understand english, and the cashiers[both of them] could not speak chinese [talk about being multi racial]. so i had to help her through the entire process of explaining the membership form to her and etc, which took me another 20mins [on top of already being late]. finally went up to gym but only ran 20ins on the treadmill before i had to leave. ARGHHH
well anw i reached hs house to make "pink" rubies. and i was already so tired and all but i'm glad i went. hahahaha. and den again i rushed home[to miss my bus AGAIN] and went out to meet oi & xa where i was 1/2 hr late. but anw it was fun at night catching up, talking rubbish etc. we ended up camwhoring like loads and both of them were trying to irritate the shit out of me by doing it =P HAHA i ended up with 44 photos when i reached home. omg. well anw, here are some photos.

Thursday, July 19, 2007
so today it was badminton with Sam! haha she was bored, and she knew how much i didn't want to stay home so =D we totally didn't book at all but still managed to play for 1hr at $3.50. CHEAP! well anw the quesiness of my stomach is still around [since mon's gym, ARGH] but it got better after a while. i daresay the amount of energy used to play 1hr of badminton trumps gym / blading / swimming. i felt like my stamina was ZERO =/ but it was fun anyway
went to hg mall for honey lemon green tea, which was sweet, and i spilled it in my bag [on my phone, thus now i can hardly hear the other party on my phone. GREAT. and it has to last me another 2 months before i get a new one] and i had the Dongdaemun fries+bread+sausage thing. ahhh fats, and a banana fritter to complete the lunch. haha oh well, i'm off for tuition later, at least i don't dread thurs class as bad as wed's one.
well anw last night i went home and opened my email to find that the Office of Accomodation had sent me an email. i was feeling excited, and quickly opened the mail. but no, they had to make me download the attachment, den access the website, den log-in before they'd tell me anything. well anw, i got my first choice, which is self-catered and at that particular area. HOWEVER, it's the innermost block of flats in that area and an "enjoyable" 15min walk to school! apart from that, its one of the larger flats, so i'd be sharing the toilet with 8-9 ppl as opposed to 5-6 ppl =( . WOAHHH.. lets see plus points would be that its facing the park and the botanical gardens. HMMM, nice scenery for the ever demure and romantic person. HAHA
ok enough complaining, i'm starting to get excited and mbbe all my dreams about reaching the airport to realise i forgot to pack all my shoes [-_-] would stop. HAHA
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
met up with xh on monday to collect the presentation night tickets! it was fun and nice talking to her. we seem to talk a hell lot of stuff online, but never face to face! and talking to her makes me miss jc life AGAIN. oh well..
so yesterday was a rather fun day! (as compared to today which i shall elaborate later)
met up with hs yesterday in the afternoon for the much talked-about Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie. as expected, it was horrible. i felt that certain places was SO CHEESY and Ron and Hermoine seriously needs to go for some drama lessons. as i read the half blood prince now, i find that the characters aren't potrayed as they are described! well anw, the movie was sketchy and they left out alot of points, like if you realised there wasn't any Quidditch match at all? oh well.. we were at vivo AGAIN. but i'm not complaining, just that we end up eating like Superdog, which is nice and fattening! didn't buy any thing, for once! and didn't take any pictures, for hs is so not a camwhore. she says we're like tourists! haha
well anw, went to meet jas for dinner at Subway (mmmm, oatmeal raisin cookie!) and it was on to presentation night, with vera too! i realised after such a long break from playing and listening to band music, i can't seem to concentrate to listen to concerts. but vj was good all the same! =D and we did have some laughter watching people on stage. haha
after the concert was over, we took the vj bus back to vj as Vera wanted to see the rest of her batchmates. waited a while and went for supper at hk cafe at siglap with the Awesomes + me and jas. haha we walked there upon missing 2 13s. the company was really good. sitting there listening to them talk, gossip and catch up on all their scandals and deep dark secrets, i really miss the fun and excitement and all the stupid shit we did in jc. like create scandals or like talk abt who's with who =/ i should really stop this. i drank the "ying yang" [coffee + tea], which is really quite a stupid drink to drink at 1130pm when i'm intending to sleep. and thus, the sleep at 4am to wake up at 9am bright and cherry, to sleeping while standing in the bus returning home from tuition.
well anyway so today's the start of the week long period where i'd have a guest in my house. due to reasons i do not wish to elaborate on coz it pisses me off, i have since forgo the luxury of my toilet, the luxury of sitting in the most unglam positions, even one of the basic necessities in this technological age, the tv. i thought i'd have a much deserved break from the taiwanese programmes my dad enjoys so much during his overseas trip, and perhaps catch my channel 55 dramas in peace. but NOOOOO, there has to come a guest, who's from taiwan, to come and watch taiwanese programmes. seriously, i feel like a guest staying in my own house.
i really would appreciate if i could have a time-tuner to go back to yesterday where i was enjoying myself instead of staying here facing all this crap.
Monday, July 16, 2007

the company.
yupp, and it was Sunday brunch today! woke up at 6am to send dad off to airport [he's flying business class, so cool, though its company paid], and he had a totaly nice lounge for him to check in as compared to like long queues at usual counters. the wonders money can do =/
well anw, i was zombified [after having a restless slp at almost 230am last night], and dragged my ass off to bishan to meet the usuals at 10am. which of coz we were all late, and SURPRISE, there were only 4 of us. we should have gone to like hougang cartel or something! omg cartel breakfast is NICE, though horribly sinful. we all went for the ultimate delight, which consisted of eggs, pancakes, french toast, bacon, sausages, muffin, tea. seriously damn filling. the usual swipingtalking was in full force and it was all a rather nice morning affair =) i miss mj days.
well i plonked my fat ass on the bus for close to 40mins after that to make my way to svc. went for dinner with Sam, who was craving the mee sua at Kembangan, just as i was talking to jas abt it a few days ago. haha couldn't ask for more, good food+good company. we're definiely going back for that claypot chicken thing =D and maybe more coconuts to drink/eat *ahem*?
well i seem to get pissed off every Sunday when i return home. but i guess i can only heed Oi's advice of staying calm, and just relaxing.
Friday, July 13, 2007
i mentioned recently how i've been borrowing dvds when i'm alone at home, and i think i'm turning into a horribly emo person [not the slash wrist, dark eyeliner kind, but the literal tearing kind] i borrowed Charlotte's Web a few weeks ago and found myself so touched by the friendship between Charlotte and Wilbur, that when Charlotte risked her offsprings and life for Wilbur, i felt so touched the tears just came.
nxt dvd was Letter's from Iwo Jima, that towards the end when everybody died...
and many other things i read from blogs, or even the newspapers have stirred up my feelings.
from the girl who doesn't cry when she leaves school, or when her friends leave, or even when close ones leave us forever, i'm turning into such a..
i guess it has somethign to do with exactly 2 months from this date, i'd be at the airport. there's just that feeling that there isn't much time left of this long break, spent together with my friends and all.
oh wells, tuition the pass 2 days have been interesting lessons. they seem to have become interaction session with the students [not that its what i'm supposed to do], but it's coz there was only 1 person on Wednesday and just now i made a student stay back to go through his test paper and he spoke briefly about his problem. many things have been said, many things which have set my mind thinking again about many things and many circumstances. i guess i jsut have too much time to think about rubbish stuff. haha
oh yupp and i just read finish memoirs of a geisha, it is really really good. i think i'm gonna borrow the dvd again i think =)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
i reckon the best time to blog, is either in the day with no distractions from msn, if not its in the wee hours of the morning, though by that time my piggish instincts are in full force and i just want to tumble on the bed and sleep.
so here goes. time for a list of activities i did the past few days. sat was tuition den outing with kk, sybil and hs. have i mentioned this before, but having an outing after tuition always makes tuition more bearable and time pass faster. haha well anw we had spaghetties and den they went on to have ice-cream which i passed. after walking a few rounds round boring orchard, kk had the spur of the moment decision to go thread our face! you noe the one where the indian lady bites onto a piece of string and uses the string to thread of facial hair? haha it was a fun experience, though we travelled all the way to tk(haha just as i'm out with my tk friends =D). we had dou hua after that and queued up for some new doughnut stall there, which i bought 1 doughnut. HAHA, it was loads better than the vivo one, and i think i'll give doughnut factory a pass. com'on, nothing beats Krispy Kremes! i just checked the krispy kremes uk website, and i'm devasted to say there isn't a shop in Sheffield! (yet) oh wells, helps reduce the state of my bloated-ness a little. haha, it was fun out with the girls again talking abt rubbish stuff =D
had ljs for lunch at singpost on sunday.it's been such a long time since i followed such a routine. it used to be reaching singpost at 9 to study, have lunch at ljs and den off to svc. not that i miss studying, but being at that place reminds me of jc days. sigh. so lunch was supposed to happen at 12, but ended up at 1. tsk tsk.
and after svc, i went home, i was feeling really pissed. like no joke, feeling damn angry. so i went to swim, a way to unwind and relax.
well yesterday i was all alone at home with nothign to do! mom and dad went to msia for business. and i was telling myself, oh man, this is the kind of lifestyle i'd be leading nxt time, i'd have better start getting used to it. SIGH. borrowed paris je taime to watch, which i realised some parts were too arty farty for me i didn't quite understand. was so glad to receive jy's msg to watch transformers! haven't seen jy for a while, and i wanted to watch transformers too! so oh well, we went to amk hub, since i said i wanted to see how it was like [which turned out to be pretty normal -_-] transformers was OK i'd say. probably coz i heard all the fantastic reviews abt it i was expecting too much, but some of the jokes were funny. esp the parts during the credits. HAHA. it was tuition with the kids after that, which again was some big crazy laughing session.
well after tuition i got on the 2045 bus 147 as usual and was just going about my usual stoning, when this vj guy got up the bus. he reminded me so much of myself. he was plugged on to his ipod and holding a lecture note in his hands. its like during the times after band when i didn't join the rest for dinner, i would be on 55 with my ipod set to my favourite playlist, staring out of the window thinking, with the notes in my hands [just so i wouldn't feel guilty. haha, though in actualy fact the page doesn't move] and as i thought to myself, i really really really do miss jc. people always say how their most fun times was in sec school, but i'd beg to differ. i thought jc was one of my most fun days, probably i had alot more freedom than i had in sec school, and thus i did alot of crazy stuff as well, like learning kayaking though i can't swim and etc. haha so well today i donned on my vj pe t-shirt to gym, and i felt so proud of it i was strutting to the bus stop. [omg, i sound like a lunatic]
well enough of crap, i've got to rush to some robinson road to collect my visa. which opens for 1 pathetic hour. 4-5. ok till next time!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
hmm so what have i been up to the past few days?
muffin baking.

for my share of home-baked muffins. if not, i'll just pay S1 for nice fluffy muffins from chocolate & spice. HAHA
Monday, July 02, 2007

how bout some foodie reviews? [since i can memorise such stuff easily?]
1. indian pale ale [nice, malty flavour]
2. onion rings and lamb shank.
3. Shepperds pie. [large chunky lamb with mash on the top]
4. burger [bland].
Scene 3.

ahh, the cake from Rive Gauche.
Scene 4.
what's beer from Brewerkz without the fabulous company?
haha ok after that, i went home to change and off i was to meet Xa and Leo. Alex got lost in boat quay and had to cab down. haha. it was a rather crazy night, and after 2shots and 4glasses of chivas green tea, i decided to whisk myself home on a cab before i start to lose my senses. haha it was a really fun night, but i guess i've had enough.

All in all, this birthday has been one of the more fun ones i ever had. i mean having common tests on your birthday ain't exactly the more exciting way to spend your birthday. so this 19th, having my birthday to coincide with holidays was really good. i didn't look forward to my birthday with anticipation nor expectations [like a new phone or money or bday party etc.]. Friday just came and events unfurled. but after celebrating over 2days, i was really touched by what all my friends have done for me, or how they have organised activites to celebrate my birthday. i guess i'm just telling myself to appreciate all these things and people around me before i leave.
so heres a special thanks to the family for the buffet, hs for arranging meetup for lunch and being so thoughtful to get me winterwear so i can wear it there, the band people for the cake and the company, xac [and alex and leo] for arranging the night out =) , and Sam [YOU! must be enjoying ur holiday in US while i'm in sg rotting =(], thanx for the video! it was really sweet.
ok i'm off. it's time to snap out of birthday world and back into reality =D
i woke up with my phone reading 12 new messages received =) i received a total of more than 35 messages wishing me happy birthday, so thank you all! really appreciate all the wishes and blessings. thank you all again!
ok so after blogging my previous entry, i went out with mom for a super light lunch [we shared a bowl of noodles] so we could hit the Cedele Chocolate Truffle Cake. yummness, and of course sinfulness!

caption is supposed to read (from left): from this... , to this... , cedele

i drove to tuition in the morning! and reached there in 1 piece thankfully =D again, activities after tuition sustained me thru ranting for 3hrs straight. so after tuition, it was off to vivo to meet hu shing. we ate like at some french cafe which served nice desserts, shopped for her school bag and i bought my coat, talked, walked, chilled. everytime i'm out with her, we seem to talk about things which are so deep and all, makes me feel OLD. [i mean not that its a bad thing, its good to be talking about sensible things, a change from ARMY talk. haha] i'll definitely miss her so when i'm off! =(

It was dinner at Brewerkz at night with the band ppl! the same nice warm, fuzzy happy feeling descended upon me =D i really enjoyed myself, and appreciate everything they did [like buying the cake, and even the not-so-surprising surprise cake =P], it was sweet! i'll let the pictures do the talking in the nxt post.